Topson Group Provides Technical Specifications for Custom Metal Fabrication and Stainless Steel Decorative Sheets.
Yes. Customers can arrange the Stainless steel decorative sheets shipment by themselves or by their own agent. Typically, Foshan Topson Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. will arrange the shipping of orders via dependable freight companies, common carrier, or preferred local delivery service. Shipping or delivery charges will be included in the final invoice and the balance must be paid in full prior to shipping. Ownership of the product transfers to the customer upon the shipping company taking possession of the order for transport. If the customer chooses their own shipping company, public carrier or local delivery service, they must file a claim directly with the selected carrier or delivery service. Please note that in this case, we are not responsible for the customer's own shipping damage and claims.
Topson is a reliable supplier of stainless steel grating suppliers. We design, manufacture and sell high-quality products to small, medium and large enterprises. Topson's aluminum pergola is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. mashrabiya is better in its material than similar type of products. It is certified under SGS Abrasion Resistance and SGS Adhesion Test of Coating. The product has the advantage of water tightness. All its components and inner parts are carefully encapsulated with high-density housing materials to prevent any moisture and water from getting into it. It will not result in stains which can affect the surrounding clean area.
Our sustainability practice is that we improve our production efficiency at our factory to reduce CO2 emissions and increase materials recycling.