Topson Group Provides Technical Specifications for Custom Metal Fabrication and Stainless Steel Decorative Sheets.
The detailed information about the total weight and volume of your order usually will be sent to you by emails before delivery. And if you want to know the total weight and volume before the completion of production, in order to estimate the delivery costs and arrange freight in advance, we can also offer you the estimated figure. But it may have a little difference from the actual results. If you have more questions on our products and services, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Foshan Topson Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. is more than happy to help.
Topson is a dependable and trustworthy stainless steel bollard supplier for several famous companies. According to the material, Topson's products are divided into several categories, and metal work supplies is one of them. This product is colorfast. It has passed the laboratory testing which creates different conditions such as wet, dry, heat, frost, perspiration, and light. The product is extensively applied in architectural internal and external decoration. For people who want a sanitary and durable surface to prepare meals, this product is the perfect option for its incredible heat and scratch resistance. It is lightweight yet very tough, which makes it not buckle under the great weight.
Sustainability engagement development is a vital part of our company operation. We engage development teams in designing more sustainable solutions across products’ life cycles, from formulation to manufacturing, to product use and end-of-life.