Topson Group Provides Technical Specifications for Custom Metal Fabrication and Stainless Steel Decorative Sheets.
Some basic specifications about Foshan Topson Stainless Steel Co., Ltd. can be found on the "Product Page" of our official website. In terms of the product information including sizes, colors, shapes, and the introduction of basic raw materials, all these information are clearly listed on the website. We also keep the technical information recorded in the PDF, which is safer to store. If you are looking into more detailed technical information, such as the process craftsmanship and technologies, we warmly welcome you to come over to us, which is a more intuitive way.
Topson is an excellent stainless steel cladding manufacturer. Topson provides a wide range of stainless steel railing for customers. No critical defects can be found on this product, namely hazardous or unsafe conditions or non-compliance with regulations include sharp points or edges, stray needles left in the garment, loose studs or missing suffocation warning labels. It can be recycled, which helps save on landfill and the environment. The product features low maintenance. No sealers or special polishes are needed. People can only use soap and water to maintain. It comes with different colors such as champagne gold, rose gold, Ti-black, red copper, silver, etc.
We attach importance to environmental protection. We will try hard to cut carbon footprint during production and reasonably handle and control production wastes.