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how to clean stainless steel walls | ehow

by:Topson     2020-07-22

Stainless steel walls may show more dirt than most other walls.Even a thin layer of dust can take away the gloss and beauty of stainless steel.However, stainless steel is easy to clean and you can restore the original gloss with little time or effort.All you need to do is remember some basic rules: for example, for many metals, you should avoid the use of abrasive agents such as steel hairs or scouring cleaners on stainless steel-These left tiny scratches that made the appearance dim.Place a clean towel on the floor under the wall to absorb the water that may drop off when cleaning the wall.Pour 4 to 5 cups of baking soda in a clean 5 cupsgallon bucket.Add warm water, stir with a wooden spoon or spatula and mix together.If the wall is high, wet the sponge or sponge mop in solution.Start scrubbing the stainless steel wall from top to bottom and rub with grain.Go down the wall and scrub ---Whenever the sponge looks dirty, rinse the sponge in the solution again.If you encounter a greasy area on the wall that is not cleaned with baking soda solution, add a drop of detergent to your sponge.When you scrub the entire wall, pour the baking soda solution out of the bucket.Rinse the barrel and refill with warm water.Under tap water, rinse the sponge or sponge mop with a sink.Dip the sponge or sponge mop into the rinse bucket and rinse the wall.Again, start at the top, all the way down.Dry the stainless steel wall with a towel.If the wall is high, attach the towel to the mop handle so you can reach the upper part of the wall.
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