getting the correct pool heat exchanger for you swimming pool-Topson-img

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getting the correct pool heat exchanger for you swimming pool

by:Topson     2020-07-28
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Pool heater heat exchanger the heating of the pool can be done in many ways.
There are heaters specially designed for the heating pool.
You can heat the pool water by using a heat exchanger and a central heating boiler for indoor use.
The eco-friendly pool heater absorbs heat from the ambient air and converts it into hot water, becoming more and more popular due to low operating costs.
The materials used in the manufacture of corrosion-resistant material heating exchange devices will depend on the type of water you have in the pool, which can be cupro nickel, titanium or stainless steel.
Both chloride water and brine are corrosive.
In order to ensure the long life of the equipment, the corrosion effect of the pool water needs to be considered.
The salt pool needs to be built with titanium and bronze.
Bronze end cap on heat exchange unit with cupro-
Nickel tubes enable them to withstand chemical corrosion.
Usually, you will find that the titanium model is very suitable for the use of the swimming pool, with a guarantee of ten years.
The efficiency of heating water conventional pool heaters using a central heating boiler is quite low, about 50-60%, while the central heating boiler has a maximum efficiency of up to 90%.
As you would expect, heating the pool with a more efficient boiler will save a lot of money.
You can reduce the cost of running the pool for a long time this season by using a new eco-friendly type that can absorb heat from ambient air and put it into the water.
The advantage of doing so is that you can use the pool extra during the swimming season.
The Eco Heater works in a similar way to the refrigerator in addition to reverse work.
You can use the pool heat exchanger there. Using these heat exchangers, hot springs and hot tubs can also be heated and can also be used in swimming pools.
Uses include domestic hot water, industrial, seawater heat recovery and wastewater heat recovery.
As with other building materials, the Titanium model has a high flow rate, which means there is self-cleaning.
One advantage of the pool owners is the low maintenance costs.
Pool heaters for these pool heat exchanger units the typical application size of the heat exchanger is to use a boiler or solar panel to heat the pool, hot water or ethylene glycol as the heating medium.
The dimensions of the heating components and the dimensions of the boiler will be calculated in a table with a computer program.
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