energy-proof your home smartly and save a fortune-Topson-img

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energy-proof your home smartly and save a fortune

by:Topson     2020-07-20
My husband and I have turned a cold, poorly insulated bungalow into a warm energy over the past year --efficient home. Tough work.
We replaced the old wood. framed single-
Pvc glass windows-framed double-and triple-glazed windows.
We scraped the insulation in the attic and pumped water to the walls of the bungalow with insulation.
We ripped off the old single.
Panel radiator with modern doublepanel, double-convector ones.
We replaced the old leaking hot water cylinder with one of the best stainless steel solar cylinders around.
We installed super efficient solar panels and powerful fuel boilers.
We spent a lot of money on it all-but we saved at least 1,000 euros a year on heating.
Making your house more energy efficient should be worth investing in.
If you have threebed semi-
Independent House, you can save up to 2,800 euros per year on heating bills, depending on the poor insulation of your house before work, unfriendly to the environment, according to the Irish Sustainable Energy Authority (SEAI).
However, it\'s important that you don\'t get cheated, you get any grants and tax breaks to clean up your house.
You can get funding for solar heating, attic and wall insulation and installation of high efficiency gas or oil
Combustion boiler with modern heating control.
You can also get a grant to upgrade your existing boiler heating control. (
The heating control can help you control the heating of different rooms and areas in your home so that you do not heat rooms or areas that are not used. )
All of these grants are available under SEAI\'s \"better energy Home Program.
The funding you get from SEAI should ease the pain of any huge bills you face in terms of energy
Proofread your home-but don\'t make any upgrades in advance until you know you are eligible for funding.
It is also important that you know exactly how much funding you will get-it may be cheaper for you to do some work yourself than to take the SEAI route.
The biggest funding you will get is the exterior wall insulation.
If you have a halfSeparation or endof-
Terrace Villa, you can get a wall insulation subsidy of 2,700 euros.
If you have a separate house, the subsidy for wall insulation is worth 3,600 euros.
However, wall insulation is expensive if you have three
For example, if you have a wall of 14,000, the bill will easily reach 138 euros.
If you have two
A house with a separate floor, the bill may be higher.
According to SEAI, a company usually charges about 100 euros per square meter to put wall insulation into your home.
Inner wall insulation-also known as dry lining-is not as expensive as external wall insulation.
However, it can still get you back several times on the dry lining.
The maximum grant for dry lining is € 1,800-the grant will be lower if you do not have a separate house.
The most affordable wall insulation material is the cavity wall insulation material, but to do this you must have a cavity wall.
Do not confuse between the cavity wall and the cavity block-you will not be able to get the cavity wall insulation if you have the cavity block.
It may take about 1,200 euros to get three wall insulation
Single villa.
The size and width of the cavity wall will determine the cost of the insulation material.
You can get a SEAI Grant of 250 euros for the insulation of the cavity wall.
However, since one of the conditions for a better energy Home Program grant is that your first application must be a grant worth at least € 400, if the cavity wall insulation is the only upgrade work you plan to do for your home, you will not be eligible for funding.
If you complete another job at the same time, such as loft insulation, you will be eligible for funding.
However, make sure it makes financial sense to do so-you may spend money unnecessarily.
You can get a 200 euro loft heat preservation fund.
However, you will only get the grant if you hire a SEAI registered contractor to do the job, and it may be cheaper to do the job yourself-or even allow the grant.
To protect our loft, my husband and I quoted 1,320 euros before tax.
This sentence includes insulation of water tanks and pipes, insulation of trap doors, upgrading the insulation of our attic to a depth of 300mm-SEAI will stick to the required thickness if you want funding.
You do the job yourself, and when it is sold in your local DIY store, you can keep the cost of the job at 500 euros or less.
You can get a solar heating fee of 800 euros, a new oil or gas boiler fee of 560 euros for modern heating control, and a grant of 400 euros for upgrading the heating control of existing boilers.
Depending on the size of your home, you can spend nearly 9,000 euros on a good solar heating system and a new boiler and water tank-so the SEAI Grant can save you about the seventh bill.
A condition for a better energy home plan is that you get the building energy rating (BER)
Upgrade your certificate after home.
The BER certificate shows how energy efficient your home is.
It usually costs you about 150 euros to buy one-but you can get a grant of 50 euros from the cost of the certificate.
Do homework.
If the insulation is pumped into the wall, it may take you a few weeks to notice any difference-by that stage you will pay for the work.
Unless you are an insulation expert-or when the contractor is doing the job you stand behind him, there is no real way for you to know what he has injected into your walls.
Therefore, it is important to choose a contractor registered with SEAI.
If you have a trusted local builder who is not registered, please let him register as the registration is free.
Ask the contractor what materials he used before he can proceed.
Ensure that the materials have been approved and tested by national authorities such as the National Standards Authority of Ireland.
If solar panels are considered, check where they are made-even if the company that suits them is Irish.
For example, solar panels made in China can be cheaper than Thermomax panels made in Ireland.
However, some solar panels in China are not so reliable.
It is worthwhile to obtain the opinion of the BER assessor (
Who has also registered in SEAI)
About the quality of the system you consider for your home.
Companies that avoid using solar heating to provide less than five-year warranty-SEAI\'s guide states that contractors must provide a minimum of five-year warranty for parts and labor. 4.
Get at least three quotes before you decide who to use.
You must get approval from SEAI grant before starting any work-or purchase any material for this work.
Once you are approved, you have to do all the work-and send all the relevant files to SEAI within six months.
The work carried out must meet the criteria for SEAI to be funded.
So you may have to spend more money than you expected.
For example, the size of your house and the number of people living in it will determine the number of solar panels you have to get.
Usually, the more panels, the more expensive the job will be.
Your choice of manufacturer will also have an impact on the cost.
If the manufacturer\'s solar panels are less efficient than other manufacturers, you may have to get more panels than the efficient manufacturer.
Don\'t ignore the requirements of SEAI.
Otherwise, you may refuse your funding.
To receive a grant, you must be the owner of the property.
Therefore, if you are renovating your parents\' house or the property you are renting, you will not be eligible for funding.
Your home must have been built by 2006.
Make sure you have enough money to pay for the grant until it passes.
You will not get your funding until the work is completed and the fee is paid, and after SEAI receives all the necessary documents.
Contact your local tax bureau to see if this work meets the tax cut conditions for the government\'s new housing renovation program.
If so, you can get 13.
The proportion of tax relief came back five cents.
If you are still avoiding beef burgers after last year\'s horse meat scandal and hear the European Parliament plan to impose tougher penalties on food, you may be relieved --chain fraud.
Earlier this month, the European Parliament put forward a series of measures to combat food fraud, including higher penalties for fraudsters, mandatory country of origin labels, and more unannounced visits to ensure food safety.
Strong EU counterattack
The measures are crucial because last month another fraudulent entry into the food chain of horse meat that is not suitable for human consumption was discovered in France, \"said Camille Perrin of the European consumer organization BEUC.
\"The lessons of the horse meat scandal last year were not learned because some scammers are still willing to take risks for simple money.
\"If you \'ve been out of work for a while and are considering building your own business, it\'s worth checking out the income Commissioner\'s new guide on launching your own business plan.
According to this plan, you can earn up to 40,000 euros a year in two years without being hit by income tax.
In order to qualify for tax cuts, you must be out of work for at least a year before you set up your own business.
You must have also received certain payments, such as unemployment benefits or-
When you are out of work, the family pay of your parents.
This relief applies to businesses established between October 25, 2013 and December 31, 2016.
According to a recent survey by the National Consumer Agency consumer watchdog, better managing your loan repayment, replacing childcare providers, or opening a regular savings account can save you 1,000 euros in three monthsNCA).
The NCA surveyed the workers who participated in the free \"money skills life\" lectures that helped people to better manage their money. About one-
Ten of the people surveyed said they saved more than 1,000 euros or more in the three months after attending the \"life money skills\" lecture
Saved 500 to 1,000 euros on the 10 th, and almost half said they saved 100 to 500 euros,
The third saved less than 100 euros.
Those who save € 1,000 or more save interest on mortgages, loans and credit cards by replacing childcare providers, opening savings accounts or managing loan repayments.
When updating health and car insurance, shopping more is another way for respondents to save money.
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